Welcome to Hobson Hypnosis

At Hobson Hypnosis, I create an individual experience focused on your needs and goals. I explain the process in detail so you feel comfortable and confident to make the changes you desire with lasting success!

It’s important to know that while under hypnosis, you’ll never say or do anything that you wouldn’t normally do. There’s no fear of clucking like a chicken (unless you really want to) or any other humiliating or embarrassing behavior. You’ll remember everything that happens during and after the session is over. You are invited to record all or part of the session to review at a later date.

How Can Hypnosis Help YOU?

Hypnosis helps you, through imagery and suggestion, to reach the subconscious mind to make desired changes that last. The subconscious retains everything you see, hear and feel. Connecting with this part of the brain you are able to resolve issues that you didn’t understand or weren’t conscious of. Past events that made you feel inadequate or humiliated may be triggered by a song, thought or image. Under hypnosis you will be able to understand why you do what you do and discard old patterns and create healthier behaviors.

Can you be hypnotized?

The ability to be hypnotized is kind of like the ability to draw a picture or carry a tune: Some people have it and some don’t. It’s estimated that only 5 percent of adults are unable to achieve any kind of hypnotic state; the rest of us fall somewhere along a range of “hypnotizability.” Curious to know if you’d be susceptible? This quiz will give you an idea.

  1. Do you have many vivid memories from your early childhood?  Yes/No
  2. Do you tend to lose yourself in movies, books, or TV shows?  Yes/No
  3. Do you tend to know what people are going to say before they say it?  Yes/No
  4. Do powerful visual images ever trigger a physical sensation in you? For example, do you feel thirsty during the desert scenes in Lawrence of Arabia?  Yes/No
  5. Have you ever zoned out while going somewhere and wondered how you’d gotten there?  Yes/No
  6. Do you sometimes think in images rather than in words?  Yes/No
  7. Do you ever sense when someone has entered a room, even before seeing him?  Yes/No
  8. Do you like to look at cloud shapes?  Yes/No
  9. Do smells evoke powerful memories for you?  Yes/No
  10. Have you ever been deeply moved by a sunset?  Yes/No


Give yourself one point for each “Yes”

0-2 Points
Hypnosis may not be for you. You may find it hard to enter a trance and may have trouble responding to hypnotic suggestions.

3-7 Points
You’re somewhere in the middle. While you should have no difficulty being hypnotized, you may not be susceptible to every suggestion.

8-10 Points
Not only will you have no problem going under, but you should respond well to most hypnotic suggestions. Who knows? Hypnosis may help you get through your next root canal!


Source: Auke Tellegen, Ph.D., emeritus professor of psychology at the University of Minnesota, in Minneapolis; Etzel Cardeña, Ph.D., chair of psychology and anthropology at the University of Texas-Pan American, in Edinburg.

Hypnosis Blog

Hypnosis is a Common Occurrence

A bare- bones definition of hypnosis is “focused attention”. Whenever you get lost in a book or movie or even driving on the highway listening to the radio, an audiobook or simply working on a [...]

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